Atlanta Cellulite Reduction with the Cynosure TriActive is one of the few technologies FDA Approved for cellulite reduction. The Cynosure TriActive technology is a non-invasive laser treatment designed to improve the look of cellulite. The TriActive device smoothes the appearance of skin thus creating that toned and tight look. The laser energy is used to stimulate the skin’s fibroblasts and increase collagen production. The result is improved skin and cellulite appearance and skin rejuvenation.



The TriActive device combines 3 different treatment techniques in one procedure to lead the way in atlanta cellulite reduction . There is a suction massage which improves the circulation of the skin and improves lymphatic drainage. The second is the laser energy which heats the underlying skin to produce collagen and improve skin texture. The third is a contact cooling technique to maintain patient comfort.




Atlanta Cellulite Reduction-Triactive?

At 4Ever Young in Atlanta, for sale cellulite reduction performed with TriActive improves the appearance of sagging skin and cellulite.   By treating problem areas with a suction massage and low-energy laser diodes. This new technique can be used on either the body or face, visit this site and is often recommended in conjunction with liposuction to tighten the skin over new sculpted contours.


How does TriActive work?

There are three main elements of TriActive that work together to deliver desired results when it comes to atlanta cellulite reduction. Six low-energy laser diodes heat the deeper layers of tissue, promoting collagen production and increasing blood flow to the area. A cooling agent will maintain the patient’s comfort while soothing and hydrating the skin. The suction massage component improves lymphatic drainage, collagen production, and blood circulation. When combined in TriActive, these ingredients can dramatically improve the look and feel of both the deep and surficial skin layers by rejuvenating skin in a safe, effective, and non-invasive way.


Why should I choose TriActive over other treatments?

TriActive features a unique blend of three key elements – low-energy laser, suction massage and localized cooling – in a procedure that is accessible, non-invasive, convenient, and delivers results.


Who should consider TriActive?

TriActive can help most people achieve improvement in their skin tone and cellulite, but if you are pregnant or have medical conditions affecting your lymphatic drainage you may not be a good candidate for TriActive. It’s best to discuss your medical history with your specialist before undergoing any medical or cosmetic procedure.


How is the procedure performed?

The administration of atlanta cellulite reduction with TriActive is quite simple: the patient lies comfortably on a treatment table for 30 to 60 minutes while the specialist gently and painlessly moves the handheld machine across the predetermined treatment areas. Both the face and body can be treated, but a smaller device is typically used to treat sensitive facial and neck areas.


Will the recovery period be long?

Since the procedure is non-invasive and pain-free, patients require no down-time after treatment, so they can return to work or other activities immediately. In rare cases, side effects like mild discomfort or swelling can be managed with cooling packs and OTC pain medication.


When will I begin to see results?

Most patients notice their skin becoming firmer and their cellulite fading after around five to seven treatments, with optimum results visible in 10 to 15 sessions. Once their aesthetic goals are met, patients typically return for a monthly treatment to maintain their toned look.


Are there any risks associated Atlanta cellulite reduction with TriActive?

Because Atlanta cellulite reduction with TriActive is non-invasive, there are few real risks associated with it. Occasionally patients may experience some discomfort or swelling, but these symptoms are easily managed and usually fade quickly. As always, it is important to discuss any concerns you have about your eligibility and the risks associated with a procedure with your specialist.


Is the TriActive procedure approved for use in the U.S.?

Yes. The FDA approved TriActive for use by both doctors and spa professionals to treat sagging skin and the appearance of cellulite.


Is TriActive covered by insurance providers?

Any procedure that is performed for cosmetic purposes only, like atlanta cellulite reduction with TriActive, isn’t usually covered by medical insurance because it is not considered a medical necessity. However, consult your TriActive provider about in-house financing options if affordability is a concern for you.


What are the costs associated with TriActive?

TriActive is usually administered in a series of 10 to 15 treatment sessions, which all together cost on average between $1,500 and $2,000. Factors such as the size of the treatment area, your specialist’s fees, and the geographical area you live in can all influence your particular cost.


Call us today to schedule a consultation for atlanta cellulite reduction with TriActive & get the RESULTS you desire at 4Ever Young Aesthetics & Wellness in Midtown, Atlanta!


YOUR procedure performed by YOUR physician!





Disclaimer: This information is intended only as an introduction to this procedure. This information should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor does it guarantee results of your elective surgery. Further details regarding surgical standards and procedures should be discussed with your physician.






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